Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can The Democrats Be This Lucky?

Newt Gingrich? Really, Newt Gingrich is the leading Republican candidate! Yes that Newt Gingrich, the disgraced former speaker of the house who was forced out of congress in a bipartisan effort because of his violation of the rules of ethics. This is the Newt Gingrich who cost the Republicans an election because he was irresponsible enough to shut down the government at a time when the people of this country had this strange notion that a government should actually govern. This is the hypocrite who called for the impeachment of Bill Clinton over a sexual affair when Gingrich was also having such an affair. This is the shameless demagogue who panders to the baseless fear of the uneducated by advocating a constitutional amendment to prevent sharia law from replacing the constitutional amendments and other laws that already prevent sharia law in this country. This is the same Newt Gingrich who was paid millions of dollars by Freddie Mack, a pharmaceutical company and a health care organization and disingenuously insists he is not a lobbyist. I can understand why the Republicans are not eager to embrace the empty suit that is Mitt Romney, but Newt Gingrich has changed his positions on the issues almost as often as Mr. Romney has. The bottom line is that neither man stands for anything but his own self-promotion!

But wait! It gets even better! The Republican clown show has taken a bizarre twist in what has become a political bizarre where even amateurs, such as Herman Cain and Donald Trump, have come to sell their personalities and their wares. As Mr. Cain fades into the shadowy world of the also ran, the Trumpster is making a return appearance. There is a proposed debate in which this consummate huckster and self-promoter known as Donald Trump will serve as the moderator. Can you imagine electing the new apprentice to be the next President of the United States? Hang on to your seats, folks! You ain’t seen nothing yet!

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