Monday, October 20, 2014

Judicial Infamy

Congratulations to Supreme injustices Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, Scalia, and Alito. In the case of Veasey v. Perry you have cemented the place of your court in judicial infamy. No court has ever been more politicized, unethical, or damaging to our democracy. In ruling that the Texas voter ID law was unconstitutional, Federal Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos said the voter ID requirement could disenfranchise as many as 600,000 citizens. It is really distressing that the court would even review this decision, and lifting the stay on enforcing such an outrageous law is unconscionable! It is quite obvious that by letting this draconian voter ID law in Texas remain in effect during the upcoming mid-term elections the Supreme Court is permitting the Republican Party to suppress the vote in order to gain an unfair, partisan advantage. Trying to justify voter ID laws by saying they prevent voter fraud is ridiculous. In none of the relevant court cases have the proponents of strict voter ID laws been able to point to any significant voter fraud. Furthermore, saying that changing the Texas law before the election would cause confusion is utter nonsense. Getting rid of the stricter requirements has absolutely no effect on people who meet those stricter requirements. Eliminating the stricter requirements simply allows more citizens to vote. Isn't the right to vote what democracy is all about?

Sadly, democracy is not what concerns Injustices Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, Scalia, and Alito. Those five injustices want to dampen any progressive movement that might challenge the power of the oligarchy. After all, if the oligarchy is challenged the oligopoly is threatened. This despicable ruling was all about money and power. The majority of our present Supreme Court seems to believe that only the super wealthy have earned the right to govern this nation!

Your vote is precious, do not let it wither or misuse it! Use it to give the party of the Greedy Old Plutocrats and the five supreme injustices a well deserved middle finger. Stand up for democracy and all of the high values this country proudly proclaims

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