Saturday, February 14, 2015

Stale Jokes

Jon Stewart's announcement that he is leaving the Daily Show has me thinking about how terribly difficult it is to sustain a show that depends on political humor. One of the problems today is that the crap in the federal legislature has only changed to the extent that the voters for some inexplicable reason decided to pile it higher and deeper by giving the Republicans control of the Senate as well as the House. I will grant you that making fun of stupid is always in fashion, but the Republicans seem to be determined to confirm the definition of insanity by doing the same stupid shit over and over and over until what there is to say about it, funny or otherwise, has been repeated ad nauseam.

How many times have the Republicans voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act? The only reason people are not laughing about that is because we have run out of funny things to say about it! There is also an element of potential tragedy looming because the worst Supreme Court in the history of this nation has another opportunity to deprive millions of people of affordable health care by destroying the act, and that is not funny.

Now the Republicans are putting the entire country at risk by threatening to kill the Department of Home Land Security if President Obama does not rescind his executive order regarding immigration. If another 911 attack happens because Homeland Security was not there to detect and stop the plot it will not be just the Hispanics of this country that will want to lynch the Republicans. But not to worry because the Republicans say that if this ploy does not work they will keep embedding the same poison pill in all budgets and other bills this country really needs to have Congress pass. Which means they will shut down the government again!  All right, so there might be some humor stemming from the fact that in their effort to piss off the Hispanic voters they say they need to win the next election the Republicans are doing the very things that will piss off almost everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity or gender; I wish I could also say regardless of ideology and idiocy.  

So far the Republicans have actually been rewarded for doing terrible things to this country, but that cannot last forever. Only in the dark and very smelly universe of Fox are people delusional enough to believe that the Democrats are the ones who are responsible for defunding Homeland Security. Reasonable people understand why Democrats refuse to eat the soup after watching the Republicans piss in it. Similarly, there is something about the trickle down theory and the GOP's efforts to destroy labor unions that will keep all but the most mentally challenged from believing Lyin' Ryan and Ted, the Texas turd, when they blame President Obama for the great disparity in the distribution of the wealth of this nation. Unfortunately, the blatant hypocrisy of Republicans spewing such Orwellian garbage has become so old that most people do not laugh at the absurdity any more!  The GOP truly is the party of the exploiters and the exploited idiots.

About the only chuckles I still get from politics come from people like Scott Walker who refuse to answer questions about evolution because an honest answer would upset the morons who vote for them. I would like to say I also find Walker's approach to global warming funny, but we all know that Walker is pulling his answers to questions about global warming straight out of the Koch brothers colostomy bag; do I need to tell you how much that stinks?  In addition to false equivalencies, the Republicans are great at using anti-intellectual ignorance.  The usual answer the Republicans give in regard to ignoring scientific evidence they do not like is that they are not scientists. Apparently their ability to understand what scientists are telling them is so seriously impaired that one has to wonder how they are able to function in the information age.  But the fact that Republicans do not see that as a problem is really more disturbing than it is funny.

What I have to say to millennials is that it is still all right to laugh at this shit, even though it has become old shit. What is not all right is to let it stand! This insanity is only funny when sane people put forth the effort needed to minimize the damage at the very least.  As we used to say in the sixties: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem!   

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