Saturday, February 28, 2015

Vote For Prosperity

"Demos research associate Sean McElwee's post this week reviews economic research showing that "Democrats make the pie bigger for everyone, while Republicans redistribute income toward the rich and whites." But you already knew that. Still, McElwee's link-filled column at Aljazeera compiles a lot of supporting studies in one convenient location."

The quote above is from Tom Sullivan's post of 2/28/2015 on Digby's Hullabaloo.  It is entitled "Prosperity vs. Being Picked Last In Gym Class."  This is well worth reading, as is Mr. McElwee's post.  It is really difficult to understand why anyone who knows anything about economics and is not a billionaire would vote for a Republican.  Unfortunately the people who do vote for Republicans are not going to read this blog or Digby's Hullabaloo or Aljazeera or anything else written by someone who thinks facts matter.

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