Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Thoroughly Modern Marco

Like most Republicans, Marco Rubio thinks the past is whatever he wants it to have been. I suppose it is this type of ignorance that allows him to portray Hillary Clinton as the candidate of yesterday, espousing the policies of yesterday. What makes his contention so delusional are the policies of undoing that he and his party offer as an alternative. Rather than merely going back a few decades to the silly sop served up by Saint Ronnie; the Republicans are trying to undo an entire century of progress. That is right, they want to undo all of the progressive legislation that was passed after the philosophy of laissez faire economics and lazy faire government failed in the colossal crash of 1929. Anyone who has really studied what it was like back then will tell you that the good old days before labor unions and the New Deal were terrible!

Sorry Marco, but there is way too much pain in the detritus of Laissez faire economics and lazy faire government.  No knowledgeable, thinking person with more of a conscience than Ayn Rand would ever consider returning to a time when so many hard working men and women needlessly suffered from poverty caused by starvation wages and other circumstances they could not control.  

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