Thursday, April 2, 2015

Trust But Verify

The idiot Republicans are oblivious to history as usual. They keep squealing “You Can't Trust Iran!” We could not trust the Soviet Union either, which is why we verified their compliance with the terms of the agreements we negotiated with them. Come to think of it, Republicans are also oblivious to the present because we are now verifying Iran's compliance with the terms they agreed to when we started negotiating with them. You would think this would make Republicans heed the advice of their patron saint, Ronald Reagan, who said, “Trust but Verify.” Unfortunately, saints, like the Bible and the Constitution, are usually quoted to justify actions rather than guide them!

It is a very sad thing to have to say, but the Republicans are acting as though the present administration is a greater enemy of this nation than are the entities that actually threaten us.  So to all those Republicans who are so eager to fight President Obama and start a war with Iran I say, "join the Israeli army."  Put your own sorry asses on the line, and let the rest of us continue to act like real Americans by supporting rather than undermining the President's reasonable efforts to find a peaceful solution.   

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