Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bewail The Loss Of Manhood!

Hark! The hue and cry has begun. And it is coming from the right:

“Hey, Damn it! Pay Attention! This is not just breaking the glass ceiling, or demanding equal pay for equal work, or telling us that women will make their own decisions about reproduction and reproductive health even if it means defying us. Those things are about power. This is far more important. This is about our masculinity, our manhood! There is nothing more masculine than a jock strap, and we point to the guys who wear them as examples what a man should be. How dare Bruce (Kaitlyn) Jenner destroy the image of manly athletes! How can I tell my son to be a man like Bruce Jenner when Bruce Jenner does not want to be a man like Bruce Jenner? How can I explain why any man would turn in his jock strap for a g-string?”

All I can say to that is: “buck up lads! It is not your loss. What Kaitlyn Jenner is doing has nothing to do with your genitalia or gender identity. And gay marriage has nothing to do with your heterosexual marriage. And the choices women make regarding reproduction and reproductive health do not destroy your religious beliefs. We must all make our own decisions, and we must be afforded the freedom to do that.”

Unfortunately what I just wrote was an exercise in futility. Asking a person to cast aside his fear when his whole world view revolves around fear is useless. So let me address the demagogues rather than the true believers. Ginning up that fear might win over the evangelicals, but it is wiser to avoid expressing an opinion about such social issues if your base will let you.

Damn it! I am writing to myself again. All of the Republicans who are reasonable enough to heed my advice have been purged from the party or mouth the party line out of fear. And that is something we really should lament.

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