Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Plague Flag

Hoist the black flag! The ship of state is a plague ship overwhelmed by job killing greed. In 2008 President Obama ran against the trade agreements that are creating huge and unfavorable trade imbalances, are destroying our labor unions, are devastating our middle class, and are shifting all of the wealth up to the top two or three percent of our citizens. The TPP trade agreement is a betrayal of the middle class that will tarnish the President's legacy. Even its proponents have to admit that it was done in secret, damages labor, and violates Obama's own rules by not providing any compensation for the workers who will be displaced by cheap labor overseas. It is yet another example of the government enriching the rich at the expense of everyone else!

Et tu Obama!  We expect such things from Republicans, but not from you!  Have you given up?  Have you resigned yourself to the fate of the oligopoly becoming an all powerful oligarchy?  Have you decided to end your term as just another minion of the plutocracy?  Are you going to serve those greedy masters by reneging on the promise we, your supporters, so eagerly embraced?

Click to see which Democratic Senators shafted American workers by allowing Fast Track to come up for a vote.

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