Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Note To Senator Schumer

Please engage your mind and disengage your lips from Prime Minister Netanyahu's butt! Even a very large number of Israelis will tell you there is no viable alternative to the workable agreement Secretary of State Kerry negotiated with Iran. Netanyahu wrongly interferes with our domestic politics, and he wrongly opposes the pending agreement with Iran. You do not have to support Netanyahu in order to support Israel. In fact you will be doing Israel and the rest of the world a favor if you support the agreement with Iran and reject Mr. Netanyahu's opposition.

You well know that the rest of the world will not keep the sanctions against Iran in place if we back away from this deal. The only way to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon at that point will be war. Only jingoistic simpletons (mainly Republicans and very hard line Israelis) favor Mr. Netanyahu's war! Rational people realize that the cost of such a war will be high, and that it cannot be called a defensive war if we reject reasonable alternatives.

Do not cower in fear over what you think the Israeli lobby will do!  Have the courage to stand up for what is right and avoid what could be a disastrous war.  Opposing Netanyahu's war is in Israel's best interest, and it is not the same as interfering with Israel's domestic politics.  A good ally will tell you when you are wrong.  Let your constituents know you will continue to support Israel, but that we Americans must and will use our best judgment (for our own sake and Israel's) when it comes to our domestic politics and when it comes to dealing with Iran.

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