Friday, August 14, 2015

Reform To Crush Us

The initiative process in California was supposed to be a reform; instead it was and is a piece of progressive legislation gone wrong. It is a rare California ballet that does not contain at least one outrageous initiative put forward by greedy plutocrats who are trying to demagogue their way to even greater wealth and power at your expense (see “Who Runs The State,” posted here on 5/11/2010). Hold your nose ladies and gentlemen because the latest example of this is a crap cake the Greedy Old Plutocrats are cooking up in every state. Although most states do not provide the greedy plutocrats with an oven that is as convenient as the California initiative, the Union Busting recipe is the same everywhere, and the finished product is always toxic to working men and women!

Everyone should read “Are Unions An Us Or A Them” by Dave Johnson, 8/14/ 2015, Campaign for America's Future.  And I mean everyone, whether you are a Californian or not! 

Mr. Johnson's warning about what happens to wages and the middle class when unions are destroyed is accurate.  His description of the divide and conquer tactics used against the working people of this country is also correct. As he wrote:

“If they [the billionaires and giant corporations] can get people to believe that unions are about some separate, distant 'them' instead of 'we' and 'us,' they can turn some working people against other working people, and keep them from realizing this is why everyone’s wages and living standards are under such stress. ...Don’t let yourself be divided by 'us vs. them' arguments. The reality is that when unions are strong, everyone benefits — union member or not.” 

Mr. Johnson includes charts that illustrate the difference unions make in everyone’s pay.  As usual, what the Greedy Old Plutocrats are trying to peddle as reform will crush us!

On the subject of divide and conquer see also Wage Laborer

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