Friday, January 15, 2016

Other Side Of The Coin

Every coin has two sides, but one side might be too corroded to have any value! The same can hold true of Issues. Obviously the people who present arguments that require you to suspend reason, defy logic, and ignore relevant facts can still disagree with you, but they cannot present any evidence to support their contention that there is even a legitimate issue! The fact that Republicans have not significantly changed any of their policies since the destabilization caused by the Iraq war and the collapse of the economy under George W. Bush really corrodes the Republican side of the argument. Thus we have all of the Republican candidates making emphatic but untrue and unproven assertions. Saying that President Obama is the worst President/commander in chief ever and Hillary Clinton is the worst Secretary of State ever does not make those allegations true!

Contrary to the contentions of the Republicans our military has not deteriorated or become weak under Obama. And what the hell would the Canadian Texas Ted (I'm trying to be polite), Marco Rubio, Chris Christi, et al have done to prevent our sailors from being captured by Iran or to prevent any of those sailors from apologizing for drifting into Iranian territory? The truculent Republican blowhards apparently thought we would not notice that the Iranians released our sailors without us bombing Iran or sending in the marines? So what else do those demagogues want us to demand from Iran, a kiss on each of the elephant's butt cheeks?

The Republicans want us to think that the solution to all of the world's problems is for the U.S. to become tougher. The Donald would do this by assaulting our adversaries with verbal farts and bombast to bring about better deals with them. And all of the Republicans indicate that they would increase military spending, even though our military spending already amounts to 54% of all of the federal government's discretionary spending, and that the amount we spend on our military is as great as the amount the next eight nations combined spend on their militaries. By the way, did anyone notice that the President who warned us about the military-industrial complex was the former Commander of the Allied forces that defeated NAZI Germany?

The only part of the debate that amused me was the argument about whether Ted Cruz is qualified to be President. The legal scholars seem to agree that if we go by the original intent of the founding fathers Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen. This puts Ted Cruz, the strict constructionist, in a bit of pickle because he now has to argue against original intent. The nonsense about President Obama's birth certificate would also make the natural born citizen question a difficult issue for the Republicans if they nominate Cruz, and if they are bright enough to be concerned about inconsistencies and/or hypocrisy!

I would like to give you more specific examples of the lies and foolishness on display during the Republican debate, but I was so outraged by the petulant demagoguery of the participants that I spent too much time yelling at my television. It is painfully obvious that all the Republicans have to offer us is fear and loathing! That is why they spend so much of their time talking about terrorists rather than the economy. When they do talk about the economy they ignore the fact that President Obama inherited from George W. Bush the worst economy since the great depression, and that the economy has improved under Obama's leadership in spite of the Republicans doing everything they can to obstruct the recovery!

Trump says he wants to stir up anger, well he and the most destructive political party since the Civil War have certainly made me angry!

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