Friday, January 29, 2016

Brain Sparks

Bright little sparks are dancing in my brain. They are topics, or more accurately, thoughts about topics. Thoughts take a bit of work; they do not arrive in the conscious world fully formed. At present, mine have stimulated short comments rather than full stories. Since I am too lazy to create separate posts for each of my short comments, I am presenting them all in this post:

1. Balls: The word du jour is “balls.” Pundits are saying it in the vernacular, and they are mighty pleased with their own insight. They are telling us that, “The Republicans want a President with balls!” The pundits are almost right, but it is much worse than what they are saying. What the Republicans really want is a President who thinks with his balls. They love the smell of raging testosterone in the morning!

It is a pity the Republican Party does not have the intellect or the moral fortitude to handle hate and sanctimony in the same manner that Joni Ernst handles pig testicles!

2. An intellectual discussion about an absurd event: No fooling. I know it sounds like an oxymoron but I was fortunate enough to have an intellectual discussion about an absurd event. Yesterday I posted on Daily Kos a story about the standoff in Oregon. The title of the story is “A Lost Past That Never Existed.” In less than an hour people were sending me such well thought out and informative comments that the comments soon became a discussion worthy of a forum. There are some very good minds out there, and that gives me hope.

All right, I narrowed it down to two topics. I'll let the other sparks go until they are more developed. 

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