Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Iowa caucuses always seems to surprise us. Since 1972 they have only picked the eventual Republican nominee fifty percent of the time, and the results of the caucuses are frequently disputed. Here we go again with disputed counts and coin tosses in the Democratic Caucuses. I think I will hold my comments on that until we see how it shakes out. I am already catching some flack for what I have written thus far. When I wrote on Daily Kos that Iowa appeared to be a virtual tie between Bernie and Hillary, and that we had a long way to go in the nominating process before the fat lady sings, I got a rather snippy reply from a Hillary supporter. This person said the fat lady will sing as soon as there is a primary in a state where the demographics more closely resemble the demographics of the rest of the nation, and that she hopes Bernie supporters will be more gracious in defeat. Bite it! I will be polite to the extent that I will vote to keep any Republican out of the white house. But I will become unbelievably rude if Hillary Clinton is elected and she goes back on her stated opposition to TPP or returns to the Clinton triangulation strategy! This is not a game. The establishment has ignored the Democratic base for far too long. We demand reform and we demand it now!

In regard to the Republicans: The Canadian Texas turd won the caucuses regardless of the fact that the birther dullards in his party would have to exclude him on the grounds that he is not a natural born citizen. And that question to the extent that we can say it is settled law, would disqualify Ted Cruz as a candidate on the grounds that he is not a natural born citizen! Frankly I would like to see the Republicans nominate him. I simply cannot conceive of the people of this nation electing such a destructive and reprehensible Senator who is so universally disliked by his colleagues.

The Donald slipped from winner to weaner, and Marco Rubio is riding his rear bumper. Speaking of Rubio, it looks like his performance in Iowa is going to make him the clear choice of the establishment (read the plutocrats). My nephew, who does not pay much attention to politics and leans Republican, happened to see Rubio's spin on coming in third in Iowa. “I don't like him,” my nephew said. “I think he's another Mit Romney! That was really an astute comment coming from someone who does not pay much attention. Like candidate Romney candidate Rubio is a bloviating wind sock. There simply is no there there. But he does have a talent for spewing untrue hyperboles and Alec taking points!

Now we will have to see how candidates such as Bush, Kasich, and Fiorina are going to react to leaving such unattractive skid marks in the toilet bowl! Will they withdraw or risk a few more swirlies before making an exit?

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