Saturday, April 30, 2016

Over Doesn't Mean Forever; It Just Feels Like It!

When I was a young volunteer working on my first political campaign a wonderful old hack told me that the rewards for getting politically involved were great. “You meet terrific people and make life long friends while working on campaigns,” he said. “And the more charismatic the candidate is the more likely you are to get laid. I know that might sound ridiculous but the excitement for the candidate rubs off onto the people around the candidate.” After working on several other campaigns I concluded that he was right.

The important thing to remember here is not that an eager young man got laid but that the excitement for the candidate rubs off onto the people around the candidate. What I am talking about here is not necessarily a physical proximity to the candidate either it is an ideological proximity; it is the sharing of a cause, a purpose, and a hope. A corollary to this is that the more charismatic the candidate at the top of the ticket the longer the coat tails will be. Enthusiasm for the cause(s) defined by a charismatic candidate will extend to the people who are helping to advance the cause(s). It is this dynamic this ability to get people excited about a vision or cause that allows charismatic leaders to start and advance social and political movements. Along with that dynamic, however, there is often the problematic perception that the leader and the cause are not just inseparable but are the same. The dangers there are two fold: The first is that this perception is too likely to evolve into the great man syndrome which makes a political movement vulnerable to fascism or some other form of despotism (No to Trump please). The second problem is that if the cause and the man are viewed as synonymous their fates become intertwined making it all too likely that the demise of one will result in the demise of the other.

The more effort you put into a campaign the more emotionally vested you become in the candidate and the cause. The sharing of a cause, a purpose, and a hope with other highly motivated people is an inspirational experience, and, at least on an unconscious level, you do not want it to end. If your charismatic candidate is successful there is the popping of champagne corks and an elation that ends all too abruptly with a hangover and the feeling that something is missing. Gone is the sense of urgency and purpose that have been such a driving force. There is no campaign headquarters to go to, and you miss the closeness of the comrades with whom you shared the dream and the struggle. Getting back to the routine of your normal life is not a passive thing. It takes a real effort to start working on all of the tasks you have been neglecting. Left, left! Your left, right, left! You struggle to fall in step with the humdrum drum. How mundane your life becomes depends... I do not know anything about your family, your friends or how rewarding you find your profession. What I can tell you is that the more committed you are to the cause the more likely you are to stay involved and to help build a political base to advance the cause rather than naively depending on the newly elected candidate to make it happen.

If your candidate does not succeed the end of the campaign hangover and sense of loss is even more painful. But whether it is a question of whither thou or wither thou depends on you. Bear in mind that during the early stages of most revolutions there are setbacks and the movements appear to falter before they pick up momentum. Fight for every advancement of the cause no matter how small it may appear to be. It is not a matter of settling for less it is a matter of positioning! As disappointed as I am about Hillary Clinton, I do not want to waste all the valuable time it would take to clean up the disastrous mess of a Trump Presidency. Do not forget about congressional or local candidates; they are important and mid-terms are only two years away. As Bernie Sanders has been trying to tell us revolutions move from the bottom up! Stay committed and help build and expand the base. The rewards of being involved are still greater than the disappointments. Far from being over, the revolution Bernie Sanders envisions has just begun!

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