According to Hedrick Smith of the failure of all the people the Koch brothers backed in the
Republican Presidential primaries has the Koch's shrugging in a
gesture of futility. In regard to the Presidential race the Koch brothers have
been rendered irrelevant by the nomination of Donald Trump, and that
is not the worst of it for them. To put it in the vernacular, they are scared as all hell of what rolls downhill! They
and other right wing plutocrats are very afraid of losing a majority
in the Senate, perhaps in Congress, and in some state houses. The
Senate is particularly problematic for the Republicans because if
they lose just six of the twenty four Republican seats up for grabs they will
lose their majority in the Senate. That is why the Koch brothers
have allocated $4 million thus far to support Republican Senatorial
candidates in Florida, Illinois, Ohio, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania,
and Wisconsin.
Do I need to tell you about a few of
the things at risk in the Republican controlled Senate? Do I need to
remind you of the dear ayatollah letter that threatened negotiations
with Iran, or the inability to vote on a bill authorizing the use of
force against ISIS, or the many assaults on Planned Parenthood, Roe
v. Wade, the minimum wage, and earned benefit programs such as
unemployment insurance, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, not
to mention the Republicans shutting down the government and
threatening the full faith and credit of the United States in an
effort to deprive millions of people access to affordable health
Ah, but control of the Senate is even
more important than the things listed above indicate. Thanks to the
hyper partisan and outrageous refusal of Republican Senators to even
consider a proposed nominee for the Supreme Court until after the
Presidential election what is at stake in regard to who is President
and/or who controls the Senate has never been greater. I know most
pundits say that the Supreme Court has very rarely been a successful
issue in general elections. But we have now experienced the worst
Supreme Court since the Civil War, and most people disagree with the
Republicans refusing to even consider anyone President Obama proposes
to fill the vacancy on the court. Come on people, whoever replaces
Antonin Scalia is likely to be on that court for at least twenty
years. What this horrible Republican Court has all ready
consistently threatened are voter's rights, a woman's right to
choose, a property owners right to keep a local government from
forcing him to sell his property for commercial purposes, and our
ability to sue corporations for damages they have caused. The bottom line is that we the people
will never be able to take back our government as long as the
Republicans can dictate whether or not a majority of the Supreme
Court will be comprised of reactionary injustices who block all
meaningful reforms and elevate the political influence of money with
decisions like Citizens United!
Please do not give me an argument about
the futility of making the Supreme Court an issue. Even a large
percentage of independents want to overturn Citizens United. And given the Trumpster's views on eminent domain Kelo v.
New London is a decision that really twists right wing panties into a
wad. It is up to the candidates to take the Supreme Court issue out
of the realm of the abstract by pinning their opponents down on
specific decisions. It is up to us to help our party regain control
of state houses that have gerrymandered congressional districts. It
is also up to us to give a Democratic President a responsible
Congress that believes in governing, or in the worst case scenario a
Congress that will prevent Trump from doing as much damage as we
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