Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Spun Nonsense

I just heard a Republican apologist trying to defend Trump's act of revealing highly classified information to the Russians by saying that President Obama also gave the Russians classified information in an effort to work with them in fighting terrorists. This to me is a horrible non sequitur. I cannot understand why someone did not ask this Republican twitt how Obama's efforts turned out, and why Trump did not learn from the futility of trying to work with Vladimir Putin in that instance. My point is that this national experience should have been a warning that makes what Trump did even more indefensible. I know someone is also trying to defend Trump by pointing to his inexperience. That does not wash either. If he is not bright enough to know he is ignorant and that he needs to consult with experts on such subjects as classified information then he poses a serious threat to our country. Hey businessman, is there anything that can destroy a company faster than an incompetent CEO? I do not think so. Trump himself stated the danger of his incompetent handling of classified information when he said Hillary Clinton's mishandling of emails that contained classified information disqualified her for the office of President!

The real problem is that this is just one more instance of Trump planting big wet kisses on Putin's ass. It makes the charge that he personally colluded with Russia in its efforts to interfere with our Presidential election all the more believable. It is part of a whole plot line that includes firing people who are investigating Trump's ties with Russia, and the financial ties between Trump, some of his top aids, and Russia that we already know about -- not to mention whatever he is hiding in his tax returns! What is Trump afraid that those tax returns will reveal? Why was Trump afraid of the FBI investigation? Why are Trump and his entire party afraid of a fair and impartial investigation by a special prosecutor and/or a select committee?

Now if you will excuse me I am going to grieve for the loss of the confidence we placed in General McMaster. I am sure is just trying to be a good soldier by defending a decision of his superior, but doing so makes him one more diaper covering Trumps ass. Unfortunately diapers get soiled by what they are covering, and this places General McMaster's good reputation in grave peril.

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