Sunday, May 14, 2017


A crowbar large enough to pry from the dark and smelly place in which they are embedded the heads of the willfully ignorant Trump Chumps who claim that the “Russia scandal is phony" and the investigations are witch hunts. If that is so why is Trump so afraid of what a special prosecutor or select committee conducting a fair and impartial investigation will uncover? This whole nonsense about Trump being persecuted is ridicules on its face. But I suppose if you are as morally and intellectually bankrupt as the Republicans are today the charges about sham investigations are a believable reflection of your own guilt. Those charges make sense to you because of the witch hunts and inquisitions you conducted over the phony scandals regarding Benghazi, the IRS, and Eric Holder. The difference is that the Democrats are not advocating hearings conducted by the Democratic equivalent of Grand Inquisitors Issa and Gowdy. All the Democrats are demanding are investigations overseen by a credible person who will instill confidence in the accuracy of the results, whatever those results my be!

Any Trump appointee who comes anywhere near an investigation into the hacking or the connection between Trump and Russia will be tainted by the appointment because Trump is the subject of the investigation. Think about it! Even a Trump chump will have to admit that letting Al Capone appoint the person investigating Al Capone or hiring Frank Nitti to investigate Al Capone would not have been a good idea. The fact that Attorney General Sessions violated his pledge to recuse himself from the investigation by recommending the firing of Comey and the fact that Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein destroyed his credibility by trying to provide Trump with an excuse for firing Comey makes the appointment of a special Prosecutor essential. The fact that the excuse provided by Mr. Rosenstein was so transparently false makes matters even worse. I cannot imagine how irritated Trump must have been over the excuse being so ineffectual. I am sure it was the scornful laughter inspired by that excuse that caused Trump to admit that he fired Comey because Trump was unhappy about the investgation the FBI was conducting.  

Trump being Trump, of course, could not resist inadvertently adding a farcical element to the firing of Comey by needlessly inserting into the letter announcing the firing the statement that Comey told Trump three times that Trump was not a subject of the FBI investigation. I am sure all of the parents reading this had the same reaction to Trump's assertion about not being under investigation that I had: It is the reaction you would have if you picked your six year old child up at the day care center and he greeted you by saying, “I didn't spit milk in the fish bowl!”

The very frightening thing is that it is up to Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel, and Mr. Rosenstein is resisting the pressure to do that. I will submit to you that Mr. Rosenstein will not like his place in history if he refuses to appoint a special prosecutor, but, as I am sure the Republican demagogues will tell you, the historians will only render their verdict after the polls have closed and most of the participants have passed away; so it is Rosenstein's grandchildren rather than his children who will have to come to grips with the revelations about him being a shit bag who refused to defend our democracy from the Russians and Trump!

The only solace I can take at this time is that the mid-term elections are not that far away. Hopefully, there are enough independent voters who see the clear and present danger, and will react by giving Democrats control of Congress and thereby the power to subpoena the information Trump and the Republicans are so desperately trying to hide!.

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