Sunday, June 11, 2017

Lordy, We're Screwed!

All right, the title is a play on James Comey's comment of “[l]ordy, I hope so” in regard to the possibility of Trump having “tapes” of the conversation in which Trump asked Comey for loyalty. The thing is that the possibility of Trump's Presidency ending well is as likely as Trump turning over his tax returns or recordings of his conversations with James Comey. I hate to be so gloomy about it, but there are no good options available to us at this time.

I recently had a conversation with someone who said the election is over and we should accept the results. But the investigation of Russia's meddling in our Presidential election is not an investigation of the results of that election or an attempt to overturn the election. Most people realize that no one has come up with a way to determine what the results would have been but for Russia's meddling. Which means there is no reasonable way to dispute the results. The question of whether there was collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia is therefore a question of criminality that is separate and apart form any questions regarding the legitimacy of the election.  But our inability establish a causal relationship between the results of the election and Russia's meddling does not mean that we can or should ignore the fact that Russia's acts were an attack on this country. That attack by a foreign power and anyone who aided and abetted the attacker pose a serious threat to our democracy and the very foundation of our political system.

Lets apply a bit of logic here. The question of whether Trump should be impeached is not partisan because the Democrats have nothing to gain by removing him. Granted that Trump is a horrible President, but he has no real ideology or agenda. It is Paul Ryan and other Republicans in the House of Representative that are trying to repeal Obama care and deprive millions of people of health insurance. It is Paul Ryan and other members of congress who have the desire and power to eliminate the safeguards provided by Dodd Frank and restore “too big to fail.”  Even in regard to enriching the rich at the expense of the poor and the middle class, it is Republican members of congress who want it. Trump merely wants to further enrich the rich; he does not care whether the tax breaks he wants to give to himself and other rich people are paid for or not. I will grant you that Trump is a dangerous demagogue who panders to the fear and loathing of the xenophobic reactionaries, but he has no idea of how to get anything done in Washington. That is why he is more than willing to go along with what the Republican leadership wants even when it breaks some of his campaign promises. He just wants to take the credit for what is done and to pass along the blame when what is done turns out to be unpopular. As Ted, the Canadian Texas turd, Cruz would have said during the primaries, "Some outsider, eh!"

Unfortunately here is what will happen if we impeach and remove Trump from office. Mike Pence, a right wing Republican, will succeed Trump. Right now Trump is mired in scandal and controversy, and his ineptitude combined with his penchant for demonstrating how unsuited he is to govern makes it almost impossible for him to get any legislation through congress. Mike Pence, on the other hand, is a competent politician who can get things done. The one trait he shares with Trump is that the things Mr. Pence favors doing are things that will ream the people who voted for Trump along with the rest of us! What I find so frustrating about that is that we still need to impeach Trump because he abuses his power, puts his own financial gain ahead of the best interests of this nation, and acts like Putin's man ho! To put it simply, Trump poses a serious threat to this country and its democracy because he acts more like the ruler of a banana republic rather than the elected leader of the Great Republic.

I sincerely believe Trump will be removed from office before the end of his term. I will take no joy in that. It is an extreme but necessary remedy. My greatest hope is that the American people will learn from this debacle, and that they will give the Democrats control of congress so that the Republicans cannot cause another economic crash and erase all of the progress we have made under President Obama.  

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