Friday, June 30, 2017

Faking It:

Donald Trump is what happens when the side show barker becomes the show. Bad! So Bad! Believe me!
The Trumped up populist (aka the President and faker in chief) is babbling again (in 140 characters or less) about “Fake News.” So fake!

Mika B bleeding from face lift. So fake. Talking about facts - not alternate facts, but real facts. The National Enq. will get her 4 that.

Forget about how insulted women feel over Trump's comments about Mika! Although many members of his party feel compelled to express outrage because of how women are reacting, those Republicans actually regard his tweets to be mere idio[t]syncrasies, and they will support him because he is their idiot.

Meanwhile back in the real world of complete thoughts and full sentences the Donald now advocates repealing “Obama Care” before passing a bill to replace it. This will deprive tens of millions of people of health insurance and allow insurance companies to reinstate all the exclusions and coverage caps that made health insurance useless when people needed long term care or very expensive treatment. What Trump is advocating is like blowing up your house and telling you, as you stand amidst the rubble wearing nothing but your underwear, that you are going to love your new house if you do not die from exposure before it is built. That is how obviously desperate Trump is for anything he can call a victory!

And how are members of Trump's party reacting to his bellows of desperation? The usual suspects are echoing the bellows. In regard to the investigations of Trump they are also acting like dirty diapers covering Trump's beleaguered ass! This is not good for the country!

The Washington Examiner reported that: “[I]n a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe sent Tuesday and made public Wednesday, Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., request "all proposed and final applications for surveillance warrants."

I do not think Rachael Maddow was being paranoid when she said: “[t]hese Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are now asking about why you started that investigation, what you have, what you submitted to the court, how you got your warrants? What they appear to be up to is trying to discredit the FBI for having started this investigation at all. What they are implying is that the whole FBI investigation all stemmed from that dossier of allegations against Trump and his campaign that one that was published in Buzzfeed in January, the Christopher Steele dossier. They’re saying implicitly that dossier of materials in unproven and suspect and that that’s what the FBI’s whole investigation is based on, and therefore, it’s nonsense.”

In other words this outrageous demand for highly classified information is an attempt to undermine an ongoing investigation of national importance.  Some would call that obstruction of justice.  Whether you agree with Ms. Maddow or not, her reasonable suspicions speak volumes about the need for a special committee to conduct an impartial investigation.

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