Thursday, July 6, 2017

A horrible Time Has Us All

The world is a mess. The North Koreans are threatening us with Nuclear weapons. A resurgent Russia is interfering in our elections and is posing the greatest threat it has posed to us, its neighbors, and the mid east since the cold war. It is little wonder then that as the G20 Summit begins there are protesters in the streets of Hamburg demonstrating in favor of a large number of causes and against myriad conditions. Many of the conditions causing those demonstrations, such as Donald Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement, and an obscene wealth gap in which “...the richest 85 people in the world are worth more than the poorest 3.5 billion...should be of grave concern to everyone.

But fear not, President Donald Trump always has secret plans to deal with all of this. He cannot tell you what those plans are because they are so secret that even he does not know what they are! They are great though. You know they are because he says so. “So great,” he says. “You're going to love them!” I bet you'll love them even more than you love the health care plans he supports. And the latest plan, the Senate Plan, has a whopping 17% approval rating by American voters according to the latest poll. Americans are not terribly impressed by the fraudulent panel of voter suppressors either judging by the fact that 44 states are giving that panel the middle finger rather than the voter information requested. Well, all right I guess some good things are happening.

Bromance is in the air. At long last Trump is going to meet Putin face to ass, no long range kisses this time. Putin says great things about Trump and Trump replies in kind. “Why shouldn't I?” Trump asks. Well, there is that invasion of the Ukraine, the annexation of the Crimea, and the hacking and interference in our Presidential election. But Trump benefited from the hacking and interference, and it is all about him, you know. Trump simply cannot let go of the fact that he is a minority President who was helped by the illegal activities of Russia. So he consistently denies the hacking by Russia or says that the hacking may have been committed by them or others. Forget about his teleprompted speeches; they are written by adults for the most part. It is his tweets and extemporaneous comments that tell us what he really thinks, if thinking is the right word for what Trump does in those unguarded moments. The one thing you can say with certainty is that he never lets an inconvenient fact get in the way of his comments and contentions. Obama did nothing about the alleged Russian hacking and interference according Trump. Well, I guess that is true if you don't count the seizure of property, privately threatening Russia with retaliation, fortifying our cyberdefenses, and publicly warning the nation about the hacking and the false news planted by the Russians. I might add that the false news benefiting Trump is usually propagated or perpetuated by the fake media, not what trump calls fake media, but the media that gives fact checkers carpal tunnel syndrome because of the sheer volume of lies. That is right, I am taking about Fox News, right wing blogs, and so called conservative radio blowhards. By the way, can anyone with an IQ above eighty tell me what Obama has to do with whether or not Trump should confront Putin over the hacking and interference in our election or whether we should keep the sanctions against Russia in place?

I cannot tell you how sad it makes me to have to say that the greatest threat the world faces right now might well be the incompetence, petulance and lack of control too frequently demonstrated by America's fake President.

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