Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bless John McCain

I have not had the honor of knowing John McCain. Like most Americans, the best I can say is that I know about him. He and I did not share a political philosophy, and when I had the opportunity I voted against him. Having said that I also have to say that he was and still is an American hero who has served his country with great valor and dedication! Much to his credit John McCain admitted that he was a fallible human being who made mistakes, and he took responsibility for those mistakes. There were also times when he did what was political rather than what was right. Unfortunately that is one of the things politicians have to do far more often than they would like in order to get elected. Unlike most politicians today, however, John McCain also had the courage to do what was right even when it hurt him politically -- much to the surprise of his critics and the consternation of his supporters.

In many ways John McCain seems like someone from another era, embracing what should be enduring values that seem to have fallen by the wayside. One of the most fundamental concepts of democracy is the concept of the loyal opposition, and John McCain was guided by that concept. As prickly as he could be, he did not see his opponents as his enemies or as enemies of the country, and he was willing to compromise with them in order to provide the people of this country with the government they deserve and expect. You do not hear much about duty, honor, country today but those three words defined John McCain's life as did love – love of his country, his family, his friends, and his colleagues.

Rest In peace, John McCain. You will be missed!

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