Tuesday, August 14, 2018

When The Skunks Fight The Air Suffers

The unmistakable stench of corruption emanating from Donald Trump and his administration is overwhelming, and the number of people close to the President who have been indicted for committing crimes or who are mired in scandals is absolutely astounding. Now comes another creature freshly ejected from the swamp that Trump is rapidly turning into a cesspool. It is the thrice fired reality star, Omarosa Manigault-Newman, who has a reputation for being almost as ruthless and dishonest as Donald Trump is. She is mad as hell over being fired and removed from the white house, and she is throwing the book at Trump -- her book, aptly entitled Unhinged.

The fact that Omarosa's book describing Trump as “unhinged” has come out so soon after she was fired by white house Chief of Staff, Kelly is a good indication that she has been locked, loaded, and ready spray for quite some time. The fact that she had a recording, surreptitiously made, of General Kelly telling her she was fired should have set off an alarm similar to the ones used on submarines, which is the blast of a horn followed by “Diving! Diving! Diving!” But instead of taking cover Trump decided to try to out spray Omarosa:

Donald J. Trump

“Wacky Omarosa, who got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time. She never made it, never will. She begged me for a job, tears in her eyes, I said Ok. People in the White House hated her. She was vicious, but not smart. I would rarely see her but heard....”

Bad move Donald! What don't you understand about her saying she has more tapes? What don't you understand about her being pissed off or about her wanting to keep the pot boiling in order sell more copies of her book disparaging you?

Omarosa has been making the rounds of talk shows and news shows to sell her book, and she has now added to her criticism of Trump by talking about his use of the N word (not terribly surprising to anyone who has not napping for the last decade). Trump being Trump cannot resist egging her on by insulting her:

Donald J. Trump

When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!

And how did Omarosa respond to the insults? By releasing another surreptitious recording – imagine my surprise. This one is of Trump's campaign staff discussing his use of the N word. Since he cannot compete with audio recordings, Trump is filing a suit against her. But if Trump's legal action against Omarosa gets out of arbitration he is going to be subjected to the discovery process! Maybe Omarosa can get Michael Avenatti to represent her. He is really good at discovery!

As for what the discovery might reveal. There is little that can be revealed about Donald Trump that will shock me. Like most intelligent people, I am already appalled by Trump's corruption and incompetence. The big question is how long can this nation hold its nose. I am not even trying to hold my laughter. This eye stinging, nose racking contest between two of the most reprehensible creatures on earth is far too funny. They (Trump and Omarosa) really deserve each other!

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