I hate to keep harping on the same subject, but I have to do it. The Democratic Party was given a mandate. With this mandate comes responsibility. The voters spoke loud and clear. They want and deserve significant changes that will solve the problems we face. The Democratic Party cannot afford to come up short. It cannot conduct business as usual. It must respond to that mandate by vigorously pressing its agenda. Attempts to include the Republican Party in coming up with solutions have been a dismal failure. Further attempts to compromise mean more delays and legislation that does not accomplish what needs to be done. I am not just speaking for the base of the party. Everyone who voted for President Obama knows that we are at a cross roads of our history. The challenges we face are grave. We must stand up and move forward. We must overcome the obstruction and irresponsible behavior of the Republican Party. We must draw a sharp contrast between what they represent and what we represent. We must be the party of the people rather than the party of the special interests.
The vast majority of people do not object to health care reform. What they object to is a bill that does not do what needs to be done. You cannot mandate insurance coverage for everyone without controlling the costs of that insurance. The surest way to control those costs is with a robust public insurance option. It is that simple. Similarly, we cannot have a lasting economic recovery and allow our financial institutions to indulge in the reckless practices that got us into this mess. We must have new regulations to prevent those irresponsible practices. Those regulations cannot be watered down tokens that look good but are easily circumvented. We cannot allow banks to charge such outrageous fees that checking accounts are more profitable than honest loans. Small businesses and prospective home buyers need those loans. It is also time to put an end to the predatory practices of the credit card companies and other big businesses. Our government must reclaim its legitimate role as the honest referee who keeps unethical and powerful interests from taking unfair advantage of the people of this nation.
I know that change is never easy. I can understand the trepidation of the blue dog Democrats, but being a good politician means more then merely getting elected. Politicians have a duty to govern well. They have a duty to represent the best interests of their constituents and this nation. Their constituents may not understand the proposed changes. They may be afraid of what they will get, but they certainly know what have been getting thus far. And what they have been getting is a major reaming! No responsible politician should ignore that! It is time to show some moral courage. It is time to get out there and sell your constituents on the changes that have to be made. Future historians will judge you by your efforts to do that. They who serve their country well do not do what is easy; they do what is right!
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