Tell the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to get stuffed! I know that is harsh, but they have it coming. Their campaign of lies against the health care reform bill is detrimental to your vital interests. One of the major factors putting our businesses at a disadvantage when competing with foreign companies is the price of health care insurance. All of our manufacturers complain about it. Yet here you have the U.S. Chamber of Commerce working against reforms that will help lower those costs. They are not promoting your interests; they are protecting the greedy practices of Anthem Blue Cross, et al. I picked Anthem Blue Cross as my example because they are trying to raise their rates in California by a whopping thirty-nine percent. If you look at the insurance carriers in your state, I am sure you will see equally egregious increases, and the insurance companies are raising their rates at the very time that they are reporting record profits. What more proof do you need that our health care system is in desperate need of reform?
The bottom line is that what is good for the economy is good for you. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce always rails against even the most reasonable regulation of any business, but who are we talking about regulating here? You are not the ones who engaged in the reckless behavior that almost threw us into another depression. You are not the ones who are denying health care to your fellow citizens and are jacking your rates up to the point that the cost of health care is draining our economy. The regulations we are talking about will not hinder your ability to make an honest profit. In fact, they will help you. The cost of health care is greatly decreasing the real income of your customers. The less they have to spend on goods and services the fewer products they can afford to purchase from people like you. It is not just the price you are paying for health care that is biting you; it is the price everyone is paying. It is in your interest to lower that price.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has always had this problem. They have always placed the interests of the giants ahead of the interests of everyone else. AIG, Anthem Blue Cross, and Goldman Sachs do not need their help. Those giants already employ highly paid lobbyists and are perfectly capable of telling their own lies. Health care reform is just the beginning of the battle to get our economy back on track. There are other very important reform measures coming up. We must have regulations that will prevent Wall Street and the banks from engaging in the dangerous practices that nearly caused another depression. Furthermore, we cannot allow banks to continue charging such high fees that checking accounts and credit cards have become more profitable for them than honest loans. Businesses need credit to grow. The untruthful advertisements the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is running against the health care reform bill is a clear indication that they will use the money you pay them to oppose all of those needed reforms. Doing so is not good for the economy or for you. You need to let the U.S. Chamber of Commerce know how you feel about them opposing your interests. The best way to do this is with your feet. Walk away from them, and give them the finger on your way out the door. Let them know that you will not pay them another dime as long as they oppose your interests!
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