Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Ladies of Wall Mart

Justice denied! That is what the five injustices of our Supreme Court have done. They have denied justice not just to the women of Wall Mart but to everyone fighting corporations that are blatantly violating the law. We no longer have a Supreme Court. What we have is a corporate court. I now modify my previous statements and pronounce this the worst Supreme Court ever. In my previous post I pointed to Clarence Thomas’s obvious violations of judicial ethics. I think it is apparent that he is not the only injustice who is guilty of such violations. Where are the feminist militants of the nineteen seventies? While this decision is a horrible precedent for everyone regardless of gender, it is particularly egregious to women. Women should be outraged about what the Republicans and what this outrageously partisan court are doing to them.

It is time to start using some of the civil disobedience tactics. The fact that the ladies of Wall Mart have no union or formal organization is going to make this very difficult but not impossible. What would be beneficial is if a very large number of ladies working for Wall Mart started filing small claims suits. Can you imagine how difficult and expensive it would be for Wall Mart to defend thousands of these suits filed all over the nation or risk losing those suits by default?

The second thing to do is to enlist women’s groups,, Credo and other liberal groups in this cause. All of them should call for a boycott of Wall Mart. Hit the bastards in their pocket books.

The third thing and I think the most important thing for this country is the need to break up the corporate cabal formed by the five injustices. Clarence Thomas is by far the most blatant violator of judicial ethics. Petitions must be circulated for his impeachment. Those petitions should be sent to Congressman Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama, and all news organizations. As I stated in my previous post, Thomas will not be impeached while the Republicans control the house. This, however, does not mean that the petitions are futile. We must win in the court of public opinion. We must start putting pressure on the politicians and the justices of the Supreme Court. The pressure must be relentless and eventually overwhelming. Republicans in particular must be warned that we will hold them accountable for the actions of the injustices appointed by Republican Presidents.

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