Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Loony Tunes:

Crank up the merry go round song. The destructive Republican clowns in Congress are still doing their thing, and the joke is on us. The Ryan plan makes their objective crystal clear. They want to continue enriching the rich at our expense; they want destroy all entitlement programs by privatizing Medicare and ultimately Social Security. They also want to destroy all labor unions and those pesky regulations that would prevent another economic meltdown or protect the environment. How intellectually and morally bankrupt is the Republican Party? Well, the Republican Majority Leader in the House of Representatives, Eric Canter, wants to deny aid to the victims of the tornado in Joplin Missouri unless more programs are cut to offset the cost of that aid! The Republicans are also holding hostage the raising of the debt ceiling, and the ransom they are demanding are drastic cuts in all entitlement programs. As I stated before, this is where the Democrats must stand firm. They must say: Raise the debt ceiling clean, without any conditions! If the Republicans refuse to do this their masters, Wall Street and the large corporations, will lose billions of dollars in a worldwide economic crash that will be the result of the gross negligence of the Republican Party. The ironic thing is that the Republicans will be doing this in an effort to keep the corporations and the wealthy individuals so heavily invested in those corporations from paying the taxes they should pay in order to reduce the deficit. I am not merely using hyperbole when I say this is insane.

The fact is that the Republican Party has lost touch with the vast majority of the people of this nation. We do not want to go back to nineteen ten. We do not want our safety nets destroyed. We like Social Security and Medicare; we do not want to enrich the insurance companies and Wall Street at our expense by privatizing those programs. We do not want to go back to a time before labor unions gave us a living wage, ended child labor, and gave us safer work places. We do not want to continue exporting our jobs, or to allow the sort of frauds that nearly caused another great depression. The Republican Party has been unmasked. The attacks on labor unions and Medicare have awakened a sleeping giant. It is time for the Democratic Party to take this fight into the streets and for the voters to take it into the voting booths. I am not going to pull any punches here. This is a battle for the heart and soul of this country and the cost of defending our heart and soul could be very high if the Republicans do not raise the debt ceiling. What is also evident is that the cost of caving on this issue is equally high. This is where the Democratic Party must draw the line. The voters know the ransom the Republicans are demanding, and if the Republicans carry out their threat to let America default on its debts it will very likely mean the death of the Republican Party.

The Republicans have been defying the polls for quite some time now, but they will not get away with it this time. The smart Republicans are the moderates who will not throw their hats into the Presidential ring in two thousand twelve. They are the ones who do not want to act like Mitt Romney by denying their positive accomplishments in order to win the primary elections. They are the ones who read and understand the polls. The Republican Party has set out on a very destructive course. Hopefully there are still enough reasonable Republicans to keep the lunatics from dashing America on the rocks by causing it to default on its loans. I do not envy their task. The careers of those Republican legislators in particular are on the line. Saving this country and their party is going to be very costly for them. Unfortunately we cannot rely on such uncommon valor. We must rise up and join the battle. Now more than ever it is time for an informed electorate to make their voices heard! It is time to let the Republican Party know that the fait of this country and their party is on the line! It is time to let them know that they must do right thing or call an end to their political careers and their party!

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