Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weiner’s Scandal:

Congressman Weiner’s refusal to deny that the picture in question was of him was a cause for some reservations on my part, but I honestly believed that he did not post or send that picture to anyone. The reason I believed this is because the allegations were made on, which is the blog of Andrew Breitbart. Andrew Breitbart is a proven liar who has posted videos that were deceptively edited to support totally false allegations. The veracity of anything and every thing posted on his blog must be questioned, and nothing he says can be believed unless some independent, credible source verifies it.

What Congressman Weiner did was most unbecoming, but what really irks me is his untrue denial. Thanks to this attempted cover up we were subjected to one of the most unethical men on earth demanding an apology. What Mr. Weiner did was so damaging because having to apologize and admit that the allegations were true creates the impression that Andrew Breitbart is credible when nothing could be farther from the truth. Even someone as unethical as Breitbart will tell the truth when doing so suits his purpose. Now even serious reporters will search the sewer scum in Breitbat’s blog for even the slightest grains of truth, while the gullible will swallow all the crap Breitbart dumps there.

The pundits are now arguing over whether Congressman Weiner’s political career will survive this scandal. The Republicans, forever the hypocrites, are now calling for his resignation, and the Democrats are trying to distance themselves from him. His scandal is sucking up the media attention right when the Democrats want to draw attention to the insanity of the Republican Party’s efforts to kill Medicare while further enriching the rich. As far as sex scandals go Mr. Weiner’s is fairly tame thus far. I have to say thus far because we do not know what else is out there. My brother characterizes Mr. Weiner’s actions as inter net flirting. I will not go quite that far, but as far as we can tell he has not done anything illegal. Furthermore, he has served his constituents and this country well. My sincerest hope is that he will be able to rehabilitate himself and will keep up the good work we have come to expect of him

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