Friday, January 30, 2015

No Mitt

There is good news and bad news for the few Republicans who know something about what it takes to win a presidential election. Mitt Romney, the worst Presidential Candidate I have ever seen, is not going to run this time around. The bad news for those knowledgeable Republicans is that the Republican Congress is demonstrating just how toxic it is to this country. By inviting Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress John Boehner is hindering our negotiations with Iran. Furthermore, the invitation is seen by many Israelis as an attempt to influence the upcoming Israeli elections. This invitation is as ill-conceived from a political standpoint as it is harmful from a diplomatic standpoint. But that is not the worst thing this Republican Congress is doing; it is actually opening up this country for a terrorist attack by not funding Homeland Security! Not funding Homeland Security is part of a temper tantrum over the fact that President Obama's executive order regarding immigration requires no funding and cannot be threatened by the Republicans using the purse strings. So the Republican have decided to play chicken with our security! This will be a major issue which will not go well for the Republicans! There will be consequences for needlessly putting our country in danger and for making Hispanic voters angry over what they consider to be an attack on them.

I do not think the upcoming Republican primaries can match the clown show they put on last time, but there is no doubt that the destructive Republican clowns in congress are already wielding the slap sticks! Whether a Republican Presidential candidate can walk away from the destructive acts of those clowns remains to be seen. I think it is unlikely!  

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