Monday, January 26, 2015

Oh, Happy Days!

I am told this is a time for rejoicing. Sing Hallelujah! A new and brighter day for Dish subscribers has dawned. No longer do we have to suffer the mind pap the lame-stream media calls news or the pesky alternative that wants to inflict on us those terrible things called facts. Cooler heads have prevailed, and although it has chilled some bottoms, a deal has been struck. The mind rot of Fox news is once more within the reach of our televisions' remote controls.

I think I will light a cigar and sing “Happy Days Are Here Again.” That was, of course, the theme song of Franklin Roosevelt, which is not the sort of thing that pleases a Fox viewer. But H. L. Mencken's definition of a Puritan not withstanding, the pursuit of happiness is a right enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. So let me sing while Sean Hannity and his ilk join J.P. Morgan in damning all Roosevelts. History is not the strong suit of the right wing, nor are facts. I do not begrudge them the unstated right to be stupid if it makes them happy. The only thing I object to is their insistence on inflicting their stupidity on the rest of us; the consequences of the them doing that legislatively are really grim!

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