Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bibi Bozo

Someone should tell Bibi Bozo that it is a very bad idea to interfere with the domestic politics of your most important ally. This is particularly true if you pick the wrong party. First Bibi Netanyahu supported Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential election, and then he accepted what he knew to be a partisan and very controversial invitation from John Boehner to address a joint session of Congress. Mr. Netanyahu accepted that invitation to do something he has already done ad nauseam, and that is to criticize President Obama's attempts to deal with Iran.  Specifically, Mr. Netanyahu's purpose was to interfere with President Obama's negotiations with Iran. Of Course Mr. Netanyahu claimed there was nothing personal about this; erase the very thought from you mind. Mr. Netanyahu says he merely objects to the terms of an agreement that has not even been reached yet. It does not matter that Mr. Netanyahu does not know what the terms of that agreement will be; he knows President Obama and can easily tell you what he thinks the agreement will entail. The worst part about Mr. Netanyahu making this address is that he did not even offer any new information that might be important enough to justify insulting the President.  Mr. Netanyahu has said it all before, and he still has no alternative to the negotiations, other than lets you and Iran fight!

Sorry Israel, but if you are going to re-elect Netanyahu, you really need to find a way to reign him in. I do not want to see our relations with Israel strained, but we cannot and must not tolerate his outrageous behavior!

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