Thursday, March 5, 2015

Alternative To TPP

Not too long ago I added to my permanent links a link to a post on Randy Smiley's blog entitled "Human Right To Employment."  As Randy pointed out Article 23 of the United Nations Statement of Human Rights includes the right to employment and other economic rights such as collective bargaining.  In an article entitled "Congressional Progressive Caucus Offers A Real Alternative On Trade" posted on Ourfuture .org by Robert Borosage, Mr. Borosage discuses the alternative offered by the Progressive Caucus, and why we need this alternative.  As Mr. Borosage said: "The principles lay out elements of an alternative trade strategy, one built to benefit workers, not investors, and to serve the public interest, not the special interests of global companies and banks. The CPC seeks more trade, but on terms that will strengthen working families, not sabotage them."

What struck me was how well the trade principles proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus conformed to Article 23 of the United Nations Statement of Human Rights.  Below are short descriptions of the trade principles stated by the Progressive Caucus.

  • Protect Congress’ Authority to Set Trade Policy
  • Restore Balanced trade
  • Put Workers First
  • Stop Currency Manipulation
  • Expand Buy America Procurement Practices
  • Protect the Environment for Future Generations
  • Prioritize Consumers above Profits
  • Protect Nationhood Rights
  • Secure Affordable Access to Essential Medicines and Services
  • Respect Human Rights
  • Provide a Safety Net for Vulnerable Workers

  • It is time for President Obama to listen to the Progressive Caucus and for us to demand the implementation of these trade principles.

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