Monday, March 16, 2015

Example For Bottom Rungers

All right you bottom rungers, the Republicans have done it again. They have provided you with the example you want. Now when you do something dumb you can say: “Well, at least I'm not as stupid as that Senator Cotton (mouth) of Arkansas. Unlike him, I didn't bite into something I couldn't swallow or digest and then try to tell folks I'd do it again while I'm still choking on it. No sir, I'm not that stupid. I'm smart enough to admit making a mistake when everyone with two cents worth of smarts knows I'm the one who messed up! If you're an Arkie I bet you can go me one better; I bet you can admit you made a mistake by not voting against ol' Senator Cottonmouth. Come to think of it, he's not the only one trying to defend putting on the Presidential breeches and writing a 'Dear Ayatollah' letter that was so stupid and damaging you thank God that none of the Senators who signed it are the President. That Mitch Kan-tuck and duck creature signed the 'Dear Ayatollah' letter, and he is now doing the same thing Senator Cottonmouth is doing. So are other Republican Senators.

Golly gee! Does this mean I'm smarter than a whole bunch of Republican Senators? The way they've been acting for the last six years sure makes me hope so!”

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