Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Trumpian Delusions

Trump is intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt. Insisting that he is doing well with African Americans and Hispanics is like George Armstrong Custer insisting that he is doing well with Native Americans as he leads his troops off to the Little Bighorn. Someone should tell the Donald that there is no where to run and hide from them. In spite of the best efforts of the GOP to suppress the vote of the wrong sort of people, African Americans and Hispanics will vote!

Conflicts of Interest. There is no way to tell what Donald Trump's conflicts of interests might be because he refuses to show his tax returns. But we know he is deeply in debt and has accepted loans from China! Unlike Trump the Clinton foundation was and is up front about who funds it. Furthermore, in spite of the disingenuous assertions by the Donald and other Republicans no one has established a conflict of interest in regard to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation. The worst any honest person can say is that she should have avoided the appearance of a conflict of interest! I suspect that much of the criticism of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation by Donald Trump is a result of the fact that he rarely donates anything to charity himself. His Tax returns could prove me wrong, but I suspect they would prove me right. You know Trump is hiding something!

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