Monday, August 22, 2016

Trumps' Tiny Problem

Donald Trump has now attacked Hillary Clinton aid, Huma Abadin by bringing up the over exposure scandal of Ms. Abadin's husband Anthony Weiner.  It seems all too obvious to me that Mr. Trump is jealous of the size of Mr. Weiner's exposure and that Marco Rubio was correct when he said Donald Trump has a “tiny” problem. But let me hasten to add that the last thing I want is for Trump to magnify his problem in an effort to show us otherwise. That would not be a pretty picture by anyone's standards.

What I really want to see are Trump's financial conflicts of interests. He keeps harping on what he says are Hillary Clinton's financial conflicts of interests, but he hides his own finances. Come on Donald, Leona Helmsley, Trump; Where Are Your Tax Returns?

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