Saturday, October 8, 2016

Be Grateful

Although Hurricane Mathew is tearing up a large swath of the east coast and a political storm is tearing up one of our major political parties there are still reasons to give thanks; there are still things for which we should be grateful. Here is a short list:
  1. Be grateful that you do not have to wash the undies so many Republicans soiled when they heard the audio recordings of Trump's lewd and misogynistic comments to Billy Bush.
  2. Be grateful that you do not have to tell Vladimir Putin his efforts to influence our Presidential election by airing out some of Hillary Clinton's dirty laundry fell flat because of the overwhelming stench of Donald Trump's dirty laundry.
  3. Most of all be grateful that Donald J. Trump (who feels so entitled by his wealth and power that he thinks he can exploit and demean other people with impunity) will never become the President of the United States. Donald Trump will never become President because he has defined himself in his own inimitable style, as only he can do. Congratulations Mr. Trump! For everyone but the most die hard of the Trump's Chumps you have made yourself the personification of deplorable.

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