Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Proudly Deplorable

The great wall of stupidity protecting right wing Republicans from reality has been breached by Trumpian scandals. Even the Chairman of the Republican Nation Committee, Reince Priebus, is telling other Republicans to “save yourself.” He is saying it is all right to leave behind the fascist demagogue who built such a shoddy wall in the first place. The problem is that Trump is the culmination of the Republican Party's decades long  pandering to the fear and loathing of the McCarthy/Bircher wing of the party. Although the Alt-right, et. al. would not identify themselves with those discredited (McCarthy/Bircher) labels, there is no denying that they inherited the debilitating paranoia of the McCartyites and the Birchers and that the Republican Party has greatly encouraged the expression of their xenophobia, fear, and anger! As a result of this what we now have is no longer politics it is all out war! And while all out war may be too destructive for the purposes of the Greedy Old Plutocrats and the Wall Street Journal it fits perfectly the neo-fascist mentality and purposes of Donald Trump and Breitbart News.

With Paul Ryan and other Republicans cautiously backing away from Trump because of the recording of him boasting about groping women Trump has now declared himself unshackled. In other words he is now separate and apart from the Republican Party or at least from the Republican establishment. Which means he is no longer constrained by any semblance political propriety, tradition or decency. His attacks on Bill and Hillary Clinton for scandals litigated twenty years ago combined with Trump's own transgressions are perfect examples of his intellectual dishonesty and moral degeneration.

We can also see how this moral and intellectual bankruptcy rolls down hill by the protest that took place outside of the Republican Nation Committee headquarters in Virginia. Although Trump's Virginia Campaign Chairman, Corey Stewart, was fired after the protest, the protest still tells us a lot about Trump's followers. Hillary Clinton clearly said that half of Trump's supporters were deplorable. Rather than identifying themselves with the other half, the Trump supporters at this demonstration and elsewhere proudly proclaimed themselves the people Hillary called deplorable. Remarkably, some of their actions that day fully justified the description of deplorable. I mean here you had among a large group of those women a young man boldly displaying a hand made sign reading “Better to grope a p...y than to be one” and not a single women there was berating him for it! Can you imagine what would happen if a man carried such a sign at a Democratic rally?

Needless to say that the polls indicate an almost certain victory by Hillary Clinton. The pundits are understandably trying to say this while waffling or giving themselves some weasel room; no one wants to be the guy who writes “Dewey Wins!” But if Hillary wins so big that the Democrats take over the Senate as well as the House you can bet there will be some massive bed wetting and hand wringing about the whether the two party system will survive. Let no dramatic event go unenhanced by speculation! Hot damn they're good soap salesmen! They are already asking how the rift can be mended when there are Trump chumps actually talking about revolution if Hillary wins. All I can say is that this shows just how dangerous the Trump chumps are! The fear and loathing style in American politics has to be put back in the bottle again! Whether this is accomplished by a third party or by responsible Republicans regaining control their party does not matter! It is not like we have not been here before.

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