Monday, October 3, 2016

Trump Chump Absurdities

This morning MSNC had Trump Chump Steve Cortes babbling talking points obviously comprised by someone living in a very bizarre alternate universe. Apparently Trump's intellectually dishonest minions are trying to deflect the criticism of Trump for his misogynistic statements and actions by claiming without a scintilla of evidence that Hillary Clinton viciously tried to destroy women who accused Bill Clinton of improper sexual conduct.

Here is my question for the Trump chumps: How can you justify impeaching Bill Clinton for his sexual conduct while excusing Trump's misogyny with the illogical charge that Hillary Clinton did worse things than Trump did or is presently doing? In the party of stupid “I know you are but what am I?” may be considered a valid argument, but there are actually adults outside of that party and most of them have discarded that illogical ploy a long time ago!

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