Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Pardon My Vitriol

I wanted to start the year out on a positive note, but that is very difficult to do politically when we have the most corrupt and incompetent President ever. I know that may sound hyperbolic, but how else do you explain Trump giving Syria to Putin for Christmas and trying to give our loyal Kurdish allies to Erdogan for Christmas? How else do you explain Trump going back on his apparent agreement with Republican Senators and now insisting on billions of dollars for his vanity wall along our southern border? Making matters worse is the fact that even Republicans who occasionally demonstrate some grasp of reality are caving in to Trump on these issues and just about everything else because they are afraid that the right wing bacteria will slime them if they do not bow down to him. And that is no idle threat. Even as General Mattis resigns in protest and other retired generals join him in criticizing Trump's withdrawal of troops and abandonment of the Kurds in Syria the bacteria infesting Fox and other right wing noise boxes continues to tout Trump's faux patriotism as if it is real and laudable. Furthermore, that bacteria insists on the construction of the border wall even as everyone who is familiar with our border and border security says Trump's wall is nothing more than a useless political ploy which Mexico will never pay for!

What should be apparent to anyone who is paying the slightest attention is that Trump is an embarrassment the free world will long remember, and that this will make it difficult for us to ask our wary allies to join us again in any necessary defensive actions against terrorists and despotic would be conquerors. To put this in Trumpian terms: Trump is a crooked, destructive, low IG disaster for this country and for the entire free world!  There is little doubt in my mind that fair and impartial investigations of Trump and his administration will uncover a corruption so vile and subversive that only the brain dead will still oppose impeaching Trump and throwing him out of office along with the soiled diapers now covering his butt!  That is, of course, assuming that the results of such investigations are made public before 2020.

May this new year see a restoral of our national sanity and a recommitment to our proper role as a moral force and the greatest power in the world. 

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