Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Great Shutdown Shot down

There is on this planet an alternate universe where Kellyanne Conwoman's alternative facts serve as bricks that help to make up a vast, dense wall of willful ignorance and self deception. It is a very dark and smelly place this alternate universe – full of right wing bacteria such as Ann Dolt-er Coulter, Insanity Hannity, Witch Doctor Laura, Rush (how low can you go) Limbo, and Loose Knobs Dobbs. It is a world long on beliefs and short on facts, a world in which the only role of the government is that of a villain that must be fought and killed if possible. Thus we had the right wing bacteria threatening to slime Donald Trump in an effort to get him to carry through with his threat to shut down the “evil” government. The civil servants who were deprived of their livelihoods during the shut down do not matter to the bacteria. They (the civil servants) are, after all, government employees – otherwise known as the dreaded deep state! The alleged issue or cause celebre used to justify the shut down was Trump's vanity wall, but we know that that was just an excuse because everyone with an IQ above eighty knows the wall would be impossibly expensive and ineffective. But Trump had promised the xenophobes a big, beautiful wall that Mexico was going to pay for, and he was being held accountable to the extent that he had to look like he was fighting keep at least half of that absurd promise no matter how much harm this war on sanity caused. Fear and loathing never rests. So Trump the bully cringed in fear of the bacteria, and he shut down the government as he said he would.

What we really have here is just another right wing attack on reality. Unfortunately for Trump and the right wing reality has a way of asserting itself at the most inconvenient times. The first dose of reality came when the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and made Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House. They could not have chosen a better leader. The reason the Republicans have spent decades villainizing Nancy Pelosi is because she is very good at what she does. She knows the power of Congress and how to use it, and she cannot be intimidated by a blustering bully such as Trump. She told Donald Trump something his father should have told him a long time ago – she told him NO! She said no to the useless wall which, in light of Trump's cruel acts against refugees seeking sanctuary in this country, has become a symbol for the sort of bigotry and nativism our country has faced and rejected many times in our history. Then Speaker Pelosi delivered the master stroke by denying Trump the invitation he needed in order to deliver his state of the union speech in the house chamber to a joint session of congress. Depriving Trump of an audience! Now that is how you hurt a diva. (Oops! Please pardon my gender confusion. I think it stems from Trump constantly trying to portray himself as the subject a with hunt.)

What it took to end the shut down was a resolute Democratic Party holding its ground, Trump and the Republican Party tanking in the polls, Air Traffic Controllers and TSA employees causing a transportation problem by calling in sick, and nervous Republican Senators that had to answer to wealthy doners who had an interest in getting people, including themselves to the Super Bowl and other places. In other words, it is unlikely that Trump had a choice. He would appear a lot weaker if he waited until his own party ended the shutdown over his whimpering protests. So the Donald caved! And he got absolutely nothing for re-opening the government except for another sliming by the likes of Ann Coulter, et al. That sliming is not exactly a sympathy card for getting shot down, but as I said above, “fear and loathing never rests,” or forgives.

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